Curriculum Vitae
- Opleiding geneeskunde: Universiteit Antwerpen RUCA (1985-1988) en UIA (1988-1992)
- Specialisatie orthopedie
- Universitair ziekenhuis Antwerpen, 1995-1998 ; Diensthoofd Prof. Dr. J. Verstreken
- OLV Middelares Deurne en APRA kliniek Antwerpen, 1992-1995 ; Diensthoofd Prof. Dr. M. Martens
- Prospective study on the arthroscopic treatment of cartilage lesion in athletes Eindwerk diploma orthopedie
- Staflid dienst Orthopedie Universitair ziekenhuis Antwerpen 1998-2003
- Introductie computer navigatie (CAOS) in België voor rugchirurgie en heupchirurgie 1996
- Orthopedisch chirurg in APRA kliniek Antwerpen 1998-2000
- Hulpmissie UZA na aardbeving in Turkije, Golçuk Augustus 1999
- Orthopedisch chirurg in AZ Monica, vooral campus Eeuwfeestkliniek Antwerpen 2000 - heden
- Samenwerking met Dr Dirk Vermeire 2002 - 2004
- Belgische vereniging voor Orthopedie en Traumatologie - Vlaamse Vereniging voor Elleboog en Schouder Chirurgen
- European Spine Society
- Founding member of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery
- Het gebruik van de computer in de orthopedie D. Vandevelde, J. Michielsen, J. Verstreken; In Orthopedic Forum als actueel onderwerp, April 1996.
- Molecular Identification of foreign Inclusions in Inflammatory Tissue Surrounding Metal Implants by Fourier Transform Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometry Sonja De Nollin, Katrien Poels, Luc Van Vaeck, Nora De Clerck, Annette Bakker, Valerie Duwel, Dirk Vandevelde and Eric Van Marck; In Pathology Resarch and Practice, 193: 313-318, 1997.
- Prospective Study of Cartilage Lesions At the Knee. D. Vandevelde, M. Martens, G. Declercq; In Orthopaedic Transactions, 1997
- A Cervical Fracture After Minor trauma in Ankylosing Spondylitis' Jan Sys, Jozef Michielsen, Dirk Vandevelde, Jozef Verstreken; Op Belgian Orthoweb , Feb 1998
- Publicatie van operatietechnieken op de website Belgian Orthoweb:
- Chrisman-Snook Operatie, Gemodficeerde Elsmie Procedure
- 'Mini open' Rotatorenkapsel Herstel
- 'Triple Loop' for A.C.L. Rupture, Martens' Modified MacIntosh Procedure
- Anti-glide plaat voor distale fibulafractuur, plaatosteosynthese van Weber B fractuur.
- Cross Departmental Sharing of a System for Image Guided Surgery D. Vandevelde in Transactions Medivision User Meeting, Jun 1998
- Fixatie ruggenwervels; Computer reduceert cortexperforatie drastisch.’(Reduction in cortex perforation for pedicle screws in spine surgery) Medical Doctor Journal, Jan 1999
- Computer Assisted Cup placement: clinical experience and first results D. Vandevelde, R. Nuyts, J. Verstreken ; Proceedings of 4th CAOS Symposium: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, Mar 1999
- Reduction in variabilty of acetabular cup position using computer assisted surgery D. Vandevelde, T. Leenders, G. Mahieu, R. Nuyts and J. Verstreken in Proceedings of CARS 2000 by H.U. Lemke et al., Elsevier Science, p 231-235
- Concept and Clinical Aspects of Computer Assisted Cervical Spine Surgery Dirk Vandevelde, Heiko Visarius; In ‘The Degenerative Cervical Spine’ by R. Gunzburg en M. Spalski, Lippincott 2001 p 275-284
- Reduction of the cup abduction using computer navigation in THA Computer Aided Surgery,7:99-106;2002 Feb. 2002
Voordrachten (selectie)
- Cross Departmental Sharing of a System for Image Guided Surgery and case reports Eurospine, Medivison User Meeting, Innsbruck, Jun 1998
- Posterior impingement of the elbow in athletes Sport Symposium Antwerpen, Sept 1998
- Het gebruik van computer navigatie in de rug- en heupchirurgie (The use of computer navigation in spine and hip surgery), Health commission, Antwerp, Mar 1999
- Computer Assisted Cup placement: clinical experience and first results 4th CAOS Symposium: Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, Davos, Switzerland Mar 1999
- Clinical Experience with Computer Assisted Hip Replacement Annual User Meeting Stratec Medical, Montreux, Switzerland, Oct 1999.
- Computer navigation in Orthopaedic Surgery VGN Congres, Slagharen, Netherlands, Feb 2000
- Computer-Guided Hip Surgery National Knee User Meeting, Navarra, Spain, Jun 2000
- CT-based Surgical Navigation World Spine 1, Berlin, Germany, Aug 2000
- Clinical benefit of Computer Assisted Cup Placement Annual User Meeting Stratec Medical, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 2000.
- Cross-Departmental Use of Navigation Medivision User Meeting, Freiburg, Germany, Oct 2000
- Computer navigation in Hip Surgery National Orthopaedic Congres of Portugal, Lisbon, Nov 2000
- The posterior approach for spinal burst fractures Spine meeting Senegal, Feb 2000
- Present and future of navigation Spine meeting Senegal, Feb 2000
- CT-based Navigation in Difficult Spine Surgery International Conference on 3D Navigation in Surgical Procedures, A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Antwerp, Mar 2001
- Navigation in Hip Surgery: Reduction of acetabular cup position using computer navigation International Conference on 3D Navigation in Surgical Procedures, A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Antwerp, Mar 2001
- The basics of computer assisted orthopaedic surgery Orthopaedica Belgica Congress, Antwerp, May 2001
- The Value of robotics and navigation in orthopaedic Surgery 39th World Congress of Surgery, Brussels, Aug 2001
- Navigation in Trauma International Trauma Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 3-7,2001
- Computer Aided Surgery for Trauma International Trauma Meeting, Flims, Switzerland, 9-15 March, 2002
- Computer Assisted surgery for the Hip International Hip Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 May 2002
- Navigation for cup placement in THA CAOS International Meeting, Workshop presentation and lecture, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, May –June 2002
- Computer Aided Surgery for Trauma International Fall Trauma Course, Sevilla, Spanje, 30 okt – 3 nov 2002.
- FluoroNav in Spine Surgery Symposium on New Developments in Spine Surgery, Antwerpen 10-11 oktober 2002.
- Cementless cup Treatment with Navigation European IMAGE THP User Meeting, Brussel, 1 februari 2003.
- Computer Navigation for Trauma Surgery: Principle & Indications International Skeletal Trauma Conference, Flims, Zwitserland, 15-21 Maart 2003.
- Infiltratietechnieken van het bovenste lidmaat Instructiecursus voor huisartsen, Antwerpen, RUCA, Jun 2006
- Schouderimpingement Symposium AZ Monica 2007
- Dynamische rugstabilisatie Kinesisten KRM, Antwerpen, maart 2008